For a long time, the Baltic Sea has been considered dangerous for sailing and fishing. Winds in the sea are constantly changhing. In stormy weather, the fishermen’s path was blocked by shallows at Cape Irbe and Cape Kolka. The rocky coast of Saaremaa is fraught with many dangers. Wind with strong gusts from the East in springs, and North-West in autumns. Nevertheless, there were courageous men in all times who despite the worst weather were going out to sea to return back with wealthy catch, thanks to their experience and knowledge.
Read moreOur ancestors have been fishing for herring since ancient times. First brisling (herring) first appeared on the Riga market around 1880. It was brought from Reval, the suppliers were Estonian fishermen, and sold in glass jars for 15-20 kopecks apiece. These little fish were cooked with pepper, salt and bay leaves, so it turned out juicy and tasty. However, despite this, the new product was not in great demand among customers.
Read moreSprats have long been called “Latvian gold”, which is always in demand outside our country, especially in the east. History testifies that Latvian fishermen cleverly adopted valuable experience and fishing skills from Estonians, Scandinavians and Russians. But the unique recipes for fish preparation were created by themselves.
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